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SaVi - satellite constellation visualization

User manual


  1. Other documentation for SaVi
  2. The main SaVi window
  3. The coverage panel
  4. The fisheye window
  5. Further hints

1. Other documentation for SaVi

This manual introduces SaVi to the user. Descriptions of the satellite constellations that SaVi simulates are provided from the Help menu.

Other documentation is available for SaVi in textfiles supplied with the SaVi software, which can also be read from the Help menu:

Further information on SaVi is available on the web at and

Support for SaVi is provided via the savi-users mailing list.

Geomview provides SaVi with three-dimensional rendering capabilities. When using Geomview, the Look, Fly and Orbit buttons in its toolbar are the most useful; the stationary axes allow you to see the Earth rotating against something fixed as you orbit your camera view around. (Rotate leaves the cameras in all views fixed, while rotating all objects; Orbit allows you to alter a single camera window.)

Documentation for Geomview, describing the many features of Geomview, is available separately on the web at

Note that SaVi has a number of simple command-line options that can be seen by typing:
./savi -help
which provides brief summary documentation of the available options.

Below is a brief guide to the main features of SaVi's graphical user interface:

2. The main SaVi window

The main window is where satellite parameters are edited and where Geomview (if it is in use) is controlled from the Rendering menu. The simulation is run forwards or backwards in time using the >> and << buttons on the playbar at the bottom of the window. > and < step forwards or backwards a single interval of time; the time interval between simulation steps is set to a default of sixty seconds, and can be changed here.

SaVi's main window
Main window - to see this, launch SaVi.

Resizing this window to make it larger, so that you can see information on more satellites at once, is a good idea.

Double-click a line listing satellite parameters to open the 'Edit satellite parameters' window and edit values directly. Press return after entering each value to update the satellite and change the simulation. A custom list of edited satellites can be saved for posterity as a script to be loaded in again later - see the File menu in the main window's menubar.

Clicking a line listing satellite parameters highlights it, giving it a purple cross in the Coverage and Fisheye windows, and a yellow surround in Geomview's Camera window. Control-clicking a line adds it to or removes it from the current selection. Shift-clicking a line includes the range of satellites from the current selection to that line.

The menubar's Edit menu allows you to copy or cut selected satellites, or edit existing or new satellite parameter lines, via an edit box. Like all SaVi windows, this edit box can be left open while other windows are active. The edit box will always show parameters for the last-selected satellite.

SaVi's edit box
Edit window - to see this, use the Edit menu, or double-click a satellite parameter line.

Individual satellites and their coverage can be hidden from view here, by using the checkboxes.

Simulation constants can also be edited from the Edit menu. Altering these from Earth normal is not for the faint of heart.

SaVi's simulation constants
Simulation constants - to see this, use the Edit menu.

The menubar's Views menu allows you to open the coverage panel and fisheye windows, described further below. Opening the coverage panel is often the first thing that you do upon launching SaVi. Other options in the Views menu duplicate the playbar at the bottom of the window, including the 'Restart' button to reset the clock to time 0.

The Constellations menu allows you to load in simulations of known satellite constellations, both existing and proposed. You can also empty space by deleting all created satellites, or run the rosette generator to easily create a custom constellation. The simulations on this menu are split into several submenu groups:

Also available are:

SaVi's elset loading tool
TLE loading tool - to see this, use the File menu.

Decriptions of these systems are available in the Details window that is always accessible from the Help menu. Many of these constellations are described in material introducing satellite constellations.

Note that loading in a constellation from the menu replaces all existing satellites. To add a constellation to existing satellites that you wish to preserve, use Load... in the File menu, and load in a Tcl script from SaVi's data/ directory.

Rosette constellations can be easily created using the Ballard rosette tool, which can also generate a number of preset constellations.

SaVi's rosette generator tool
Ballard rosette tool - to see this, use the Constellations menu.

To save an existing constellation you have created, such as one generated using the Ballard rosette tool, use the File menu's Save satellites as Tcl script... option. To begin from scratch, either delete all satellites, or select Empty space, and confirm the dialog that comes up.

SaVi's 'Empty space?' dialog
Empty space of all satellites dialog - to see this, use the Constellations menu.

The Rendering menu includes a Real-time mode option that attempts to synchronise SaVi to the computer's clock, so that an interval is simulated every second. If you set to 1 second per interval, SaVi attempts motion in real time. This mode option is most useful on very fast computers.

The Rendering menu is complete when SaVi is running with Geomview. The full menu allows you to control how Geomview shows the constellations in its Camera windows. To change the satellite type shown in Geomview, select a marker type from the sumenu at top. To restore the default green dots, select that marker type again.

By turning off Show central body, an outline Earth is produced. This is useful when used with Geomview's spherical projection (in the Geomview window's Space menu.)

Animate in Geomview can be turned off temporarily if Geomview becomes problematic, so SaVi can be used standalone. This option is useful on slower computers.

The Help menu identifies SaVi and provides brief installation information.

3. The coverage panel

In the coverage panel a map projection of the Earth and visible coverage is shown. It is likely that this will be the first option selected once SaVi is running, and that most work will be done using the menubar at the top of this panel's window.

The Earth map can be either large (1024x512 pixels) or small (600x300 pixels) in size. The large map is the default, but can be changed from the Display menu. A custom map size can also be selected. This does not support the bitmap Earth map in the coverage panel, but provides more fine-detailed coverage texturemapping to Geomview.

14 map colors is the default; more are useful when viewing large numbers of satellites, such as the navigation systems or megaconstellations. A minumum of 4 colors is recommended. The number of colors is chosen from the popup menu below the map. If increasing the number of colors, select Blend colors from the Shading menu to produce a color spectrum.

Here, the smaller coverage panel is shown, with four colors selected.

SaVi's coverage panel
Coverage panel - to see, use Views menu on main window.

Stretching this window horizontally will show two projections side-by-side; this is useful for looking at coverage at the edge of the map, which lies in the middle of the two copies.

A number of different map projections can be chosen:

Other map projections may be optionally enabled, as indicated in the README. These include: